Club Resources

Come and Try

Come and Try Overview

The Club Come and Try initiative is designed to provide riders new to a discipline, with the opportunity to experience riding a bike in a fun and safe environment with the support of the local AusCycling Club.

New Platform for Clubs to upload their Come and Try Day

As part of the transition from Ride Nation (Marketplacer) across to revolutioniseSPORT, we require clubs to provide updated information so we can ensure accurate information is shared with the new platform provider surrounding the club.

Could you please provide the below information & send it back through to [email protected] so we can arrange for your Club to be added to the new platform. Please note that where we ask for contact details this should be the key person at the club that will be responsible for setting up programs on the platform.

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email:
  • Club Name:
  • Full Identity (official club name, Eg - Includes Inc.?):
  • ABN:
  • Program Type: (Eg, Come & Try, Social Ride, AusBike)
  • Admin Name:
  • Admin Mobile:
  • Female/Male:
  • First Program Date:


AusCycling will provide insurance cover to all AusCycling Club Come and Try participants free of charge for the duration of the Come and Try session. This insurance is a temporary arrangement available to non-members of AusCycling who participate in AusCycling Club Come and Try sessions. Participants will receive the benefits of the AusCycling 4 Week Free Trial membership, the details of which can be found here.

The insurance is NOT to be used for racing events, mass participation rides or charity rides. It is also not intended for participants who frequently attend club sessions (no more than 4 Come and Try sessions). It is the club’s responsibility to identify these participants and encourage them to sign up as a 4 Week Free Trial member, or purchase an AusCycling membership.

AusCycling classifies a ‘racing event’ as an event containing any of the below elements. These events are deemed a Club Race event and are not Come and Try sessions.

  • There is a start and finish line
  • Timing
  • Prizes for performance
  • Podium

If your Club wants to host a race event, then the event must operate in accordance with the AusCycling Technical Regulations. Therefore, the club would need to check riders have valid and appropriate race membership or purchase an event license, or become a 4 Week Free Trial member to participate in the event.

Come and Try Requirements

Club Affiliated with AusCycling

  1. Fill in the Expression of Interest form *Already have a revSPORT account? Skip step 1
  2. Have an account set up on revSPORT
  3. List the Come and Try session(s) on revSPORT
  4. Ensure the session is conducted by an AusCycling accredited coach/ instructor (who holds current AusCycling membership, First Aid Certificate and Working with Children's check).
  5. Ensure the coach abides by the AusCycling Coaching Remittance, including ensuring the program meets the required coach to participant ratio.

Club Responsibilities

  • Provide an inclusive and welcoming environment
  • Have a Covid-19 Safe Plan in place and follow Covid-19 rules of the respective State or Territory.
  • Follow AusCycling Sport Policies and Technical Regulations.
  • Read the Junior Policy and apply common sense when running a session for Juniors.
  • Refer, where applicable, to discipline specific Guidelines.

revSPORT Guides

revSPORT Participant Guides

  • revSPORT - Participant User Journey

    (847 KB)


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