Learning Management System | Frequently Asked Questions

We're excited to have launched the new AusCycling Learning Centre. These FAQs are designed to help new and existing learners navigate the new system. If you need any other support, please email [email protected].  

Why has AusCycling moved to a new platform?

The new learning management system is part of the Australian Sports Commission's (ASC) Australian Sport Learning Centre platform. This platform houses many other sports and has courses offered by the ASC, including officiating and governance. The AusCycling Learning Centre aims to make the learning process easier for everyone and make the administration process more efficient, including registration.

When did the transition take place?

Access to courses in the AusCycling Learning Centre is possible from Wednesday 19 June 2024.

I didn't finish my learning in eTrainu. What happens now?

All 'Course Completions' will be moved across to the AusCycling Learning Centre. This includes eLearning modules (provided you have completed all the core modules within a course), the Concussion Management module (if applicable to the course you are doing), document uploads and any video assessment (if applicable to the course you are doing).

Will I need to pay for a course again if I have already done so in eTrainu?

No. If you have already paid for a course this will be reflected in the AusCycling Learning Centre.

What happens if I have not yet completed my practical assessment or video assessment?

If you still need to complete a video or practical assessment to complete to finalise your accreditation, this can be done through the AusCycling Learning centre. AusCycling will communicate with you about this so you know exactly what is required. Wherever possible, we will support you to complete it prior to the transition.

How can I access the AusCycling Learning Centre?

Visit learning.auscycling.org.au.

Will my profile be in the AusCycling Learning Centre?

AusCycling is working with the ASC on moving across all users from eTrainu into the new learning centre. You will have received a direct communication if there is any action you need to take to update your record so that it will successfully move across. The new AusCycling Learning Centre does require the username to be a unique email address. If you believe that you do have this in your Tidy HQ record we would ask that you go into Tidy HQ and update this information.

Will I be able to access past learning and resources in eTrainu?

Once access is switched off to eTrainu, learners will no longer be able to access eLearning modules and resources.

I have enrolled in the course I wish to undertake but cannot access it.

If it is a course that has a fee attached, after enrolling you will need to follow the instructions to ‘buy now’. Please ensure that once you have paid, you tick the box that confirms your payment. Once this is done, proceed to the next course within the certification by clicking on the link below ‘Return to Certification’. 

I’ve completed a task within the learning path and can’t get back to the next stage of learning.

If you having difficulty returning to the learning path, please look for the below ‘Return to Certification’. Under here you will find a reference and links to the courses you are undertaking. 

I am having difficulty booking into a practical course.

The first step in this process is to click on the link which says, ‘location check’.
If you live more than 300km from a capital city or main regional centre in your State or Territory and your address is classified as Rural (RRMA 3-5) or above, you may qualify for a practical assessment by video.  

If you don’t qualify, please select a practical course close to you. If you cannot find one, you can commence your learning and book into a session at a later date. For further information please contact [email protected]

I have uploaded my first aid qualifications, but it is showing as ‘in progress’, not completed.

Once you have uploaded your qualifications, AusCycling will verify these in the system. Once this is done it will show as ‘completed’ in your learning path. This will not prevent you from continuing to the next phase of your learning. 

I have uploaded my Working with Children Check (or equivalent), but it is showing as ‘in progress’, not completed.

Once you have uploaded your qualifications, AusCycling will verify these in the system. Once this is done it will show as ‘completed’ in your learning path. This will not prevent you from continuing to the next phase of your learning. 

My course says "Retake" next to it.

If you have had previous course completions uploaded to your certification, you may see that it has a "Retake" label next to the course. If you see this, you will need to reset your course first and then take it again for it to be a valid completion.

Go into the course, click on the 'Retake the course' button at the bottom of the course page and then complete the course. This will give you a valid completion. 

I am confused about the references to ‘course’ throughout my learning, especially for things like Working with Children Check.

In the AusCycling Learning Centre what in the past has been referred to as an instructor or commissaire Course is now known as a Certification. A Certification is made up of various requirements which are known as Courses. These include elearning modules, certificate uploads and the completion of a practical assessment (where appropriate). Once a learner has successfully completed all the required Courses, they will be awarded the Certification. For example, Foundation Instructor – BMX. 

I would like to undertake the Regional Commissaire – BMX course but cannot see it in my learner profile.

A prerequisite for the Regional Commissaire BMX course is completion of the BMX Club Official course. Once this has been completed you will be able to view and access the Regional Commissaire BMX course.

I have completed a module and cannot find the Exit Button mentioned in the text.

Unfortunately, this button is not live in the modules. To progress, please close the module you have completed and commence the next module by clicking on the tile and following the prompts. 

Some of the links in modules are not working.

AusCycling is in the process of repairing the links which are currently not working within some of the course modules. In the meantime, if you would like to access any policies referenced, please click here.

What do the words AND and THEN mean?

The word AND means that the courses can be done in any order, however, we do encourage learners to book in for the practical component (where there is one) of the certification as early as possible. THEN means that this part of the certification can not be completed until all preceding courses have been completed.

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