Safeguarding Children and Young People 


At AusCycling, we take our responsibility to deliver a safe, fair and inclusive environment for all children and young people involved in cycling seriously. 

Our Child Safe Commitment

AusCycling is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Children and Young People that are involved in our sport. Our policies and procedures seek to address risks to Child safety and to establish Child safe culture and practices. 

  • Safety First: We prioritise the safety and well-being of children and young people in all aspects of cycling. 
  • Inclusion and Respect: We foster a culture of inclusion, respect, and diversity for all participants. 
  • Culturally Safe Environment: We create a welcoming and safe environment for children and young people from all backgrounds. 
  • Empowered Staff and Volunteers: We ensure our staff and volunteers are trained and equipped to uphold child safety standards. 
  • Rigorous Recruitment: We minimise the risk of unsuitable individuals being involved with children through thorough screening processes. 
  • Ongoing Training and Support: We provide ongoing training and support to staff and volunteers to ensure they possess the necessary skills and knowledge. 
  • Open Communication: We encourage open communication and participation from children, young people, and their parents. 
  • Mandatory Reporting: We ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibility to report any suspected child abuse. 
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our policies and practices. 

Resources and Support: 


If you have immediate concerns about a child's safety, please call the Police emergency number 000. 

We all have a responsibility to uphold our sport’s Child Safe Principles. If you see something suspicious or unacceptable, we encourage you to report it. Anyone can make a complaint, regardless of their involvement in cycling. 

To make a report or complaint related to child safeguarding or alleged breaches of the Safeguarding Children and Young People report directly to AusCycling by completing the below form 

Make a report or complaint related to child safeguarding

Report alleged breaches of the Safeguarding Children and Young People policy report directly to AusCycling.

Training and Resources: 

AusCycling offers a range of resources and training programs to further promote a safe and supportive environment for children and young people involved in cycling. 

Sport Integrity Australia provides a range of online eLearning courses, including the Safeguarding Children and Young People In Sport Induction. 

Sport Integrity Australia also provides a range of resources for clubs, for parents and for children and young people. 

For Clubs;

  • Reporting and responding to a breach of safeguarding children and young people policy.pdf

    (178 KB)

  • Child protection reporting and state & territory working with children checks fact sheet.pdf

    (280 KB)

  • Events involving overnight stays booklet.pdf

    (1415 KB)

  • Day Trips and Competition Check List.pdf

    (825 KB)

  • Transporting Children and Young People in Sport.pdf

    (388 KB)

  • Communicating Online or Electronically with Children and Young people in Sport.pdf

    (1309 KB)

  • Children and young people safe practices do's & dont's booklet.pdf

    (5584 KB)

For Parents

  • Children and young people safe practices do's & dont's booklet.pdf

    (5584 KB)

  • Parentscarers guide to selecting a safe sporting club fact sheet.pdf

    (954 KB)

For Students

  • National Integrity Framework safeguarding fact sheet catalogue.pdf

    (4958 KB)

  • Learn about your rights at sport ages 7-12.pdf

    (941 KB)

  • Your rights at sport ages 13-17.pdf

    (675 KB)

  • How your sport looks after kids ages 7-12.pdf

    (1155 KB)

  • How your sport looks after you ages 13-17.pdf

    (491 KB)

  • How your sport looks after all participants ages 13-17.pdf

    (713 KB)

  • How we keep competition fair and honest ages 13-17.pdf

    (452 KB)

  • Protecting sport from improper use of drugs and medicine ages 13-17.pdf

    (182 KB)


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