
Young BMX members out to make a difference for their club

Aug 24, 2023

Two young BMX riders from country Victoria are taking a unique approach to generate the funds needed to improve their BMX club.

Jack Thorp,18, and Stella Middleton, 14, from the Portland BMX Club on the southwest coast of Victoria have successfully gained a place on SharkPitch 2023, a virtual fundraising event where grassroots organisations pitch their projects to an online audience for donations.

Hosted by community organisation United Way Glenelg, SharkPitch has secured more than $210,000 in donations from supporters since beginning five years ago. All donations are matched by AWA Alliance Bank up to a total of $6,000 per organisation.

SharkPitch initiatives aim to enhance community engagement and foster a stronger and more inclusive environment.

Thorp and Middleton’s presentation will show how an upgrade to their canteen is needed to accommodate the club's expanding membership and ensure its continued success.

Portland BMX

With nearly 12 years of BMX riding experience, Thorp competes acrossAustralia and is a mentor for the younger riders in the club. He is completing a Cert III in Bicycle Mechanics (Cytech Course) and hopes to share his knowledge and passion for cycling by teaching Bicycle Education in schools and youth organisations.

Since starting BMX 4 years ago, Middleton has demonstrated an undeniable dedication and passion for the sport. As a junior committee member at Portland BMX, she advocates for younger riders within the club, while also competing at a national level and studying at Bayview College.

Both Thorp and Middleton have diagnosed learning disorders and their involvement in BMX has assisted them in facing these challenges.

Portland BMX

Portland BMX Secretary Trudy Thorp said the initiative shown by Jack and Stella showcases how young BMX members can support their club, while also benefitting from the opportunities that the sport can provide.

“What Jack and Stella are doing demonstrates the pathways that cycling can provide outside of competition, and it also reflects the supportive environments within clubs that can lead to opportunities for youth as they grow and mature,” Thorp said.

“Cycling is a great sport and research shows that it helps improve mental health and wellness – both Jack and Stella are evidence of this. Their presentation also showcases the great work regional clubs are doing to benefit the community.”

The virtual event will be held on Tuesday September 5, starting at 7.00pm AEST. Click here to watch.

Together with the Royal Hotel Coolroom and Casterton Football Netball Club, United Way Glenelg will also host watch parties during the presentations. More information on the event, including the other SharkPitch entrants, is available here.

Images: Portland BMX Club

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BMX Racing