
No more rocky rides thanks to women's mountain bike skills program

Nov 1, 2023

In October Castlemaine Rocky Riders delivered a fully funded Women’s Skills Program, made possible due to a Change our Game Community Activation grant, to assist in increasing participation of women and girls in sport and active recreation.

The Castlemaine Rocky Riders have been offering women’s social rides since 2021.

This came about from an initiative of their member Natalya Garden after she put up a post on a local Women’s Cycling Facebook page, seeking feedback about what barriers women experienced in being involved in a club social ride or event.

The overwhelming response of information was consolidated and created into a Women’s MTB strategy by several local women mountain bikers, which Natalya then presented to the Castlemaine Rocky Riders.

One of the suggested actions was to provide social rides and skills sessions to help local riders build confidence and social connections. The program aimed to get more women on the trails, more often, by reducing barriers to women’s participation in mountain biking.

The 3-day program included access to skills, equipment, and opportunities for social and community connections.

The club engaged the services of Bendigo/Castlemaine based business, Trailhead Coaching, as well as utilising their very own certified instructors, making a total of three coaches, all of whom are women.

Nineteen participants were involved in 3 x 3 hours MTB skills sessions, a catered lunch, trailside maintenance session with riders receiving “goody packs” to set them up with equipment needed for repairs.

“It was inspiring to be surrounded by a diverse group of women, all keen to develop their MTB skills. The environment you created was supportive, inclusive, and encouraging for all participants, no matter their skill level.

"I loved the conversations that came out of the sessions, with many women sharing how biking was positively impacting various aspects of their life from physical fitness and mental well-being, by improving things like, self-confidence, being present in the moment, trust building, overcoming fears and mindfulness.

"All the instructors were approachable, knowledgeable, and friendly. It was evident not only that they were passionate about the sport but making it accessible for other women," one participant said.

The program was completed by a guided social ride with dress ups to celebrate the journey.

Photo Credit: Carmen Bunting Photography.

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Mountain Bike