
National CX Calendar Update

Aug 16, 2021

The National CX calendar has once again been impacted by COVID-19-related travel and gathering restrictions. After speaking with the event organisers of the remaining National-level CX events for 2021, we would like to present how we intend on operating within any potential restrictions for the remainder of the year.

As we move towards the latter stages of 2021 and the opportunities to reschedule naturally diminish, the prospect of event clashes has become unavoidable. In a typical year, we would do everything possible to discourage significant calendar clashes, however, 2021 has been far from ordinary.

Our primary focus is now to support and facilitate CX competition where possible and deliver the National calendar where possible. In some cases, this will mean allowing events to occur without some states/territories being able to participate or events to occur simultaneously in different states where the ability of participants in each state to travel to the other may or may not be restricted.

National Series:
Rounds #3 and #4 (Samford, QLD) on September 4 and 5, hosted by D’Aguilar Range CC, continue to be planned as part of the National Series. As we approach the dates, and multiple travel restrictions still do not allow most interstate riders to enter Queensland freely, we will work with the club to conduct a State Level event.

The National CX Series has only run two rounds, with some states/territories unable to contest those rounds. If rounds #3 and #4 cannot be run as a National Series, then individual round prizing (pro-rata) will be provided to those placing in the individual races of round #1 in #2.

Our goal, through this approach, is to recognise the interrupted nature of the 2021 series which saw no concrete opportunity for riders from all states/territories to have an equal way of scoring points towards an overall classification or recognition in an overall series.

We have been in discussions with the organisers of the Beechworth Round of the VICXS and support their decision to move ahead with their rescheduled date of September 5. This decision has been made to ensure that the event can proceed as it is the last date available for the venue this season. While this may conflict with riders hoping to travel to Queensland on September 4-5 we also recognise that we must provide opportunities for individuals to race in the limited time remaining in the year.

Additionally, if travel restrictions between Victoria and Queensland are not lifted and the Beechworth event did not proceed there would be no race opportunity for Victorian riders.

National CX Championships
We intend to conduct the National CX Championships in Victoria on the weekend of October 16 -17. We understand that some riders may choose not to or be able to attend due to travel restrictions. Based on the number of states/territories restricted a determination of the final status will be made as the event approaches.

In any case, a Cyclo-cross event will be held on this date in Victoria (subject to COVID-19 restrictions).

We thank all our riders, partners, hosts and spectators for their understanding and cooperation. These are challenging times and we appreciate the ongoing support of the cycling family as we navigate this together.

We hope this helps to explain the decision-making process in these difficult times for everyone. We will continue working towards creating the best opportunities across the country to provide a 2021 CX season.

Thank you, stay safe and best wishes to all.

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