
McConnell Masterclass In Maydena

Mar 13, 2021

Daniel and Rebecca McConnell retained their titles as king and queen of the Cross-Country Olympic discipline on day six of the 2021 AusCycling Mountain Bike National Championships at Maydena Bike Park, Tasmania.

The snow that was predicted over-night made way for the rain, which meant most riders across all categories opted for wet weather tyres.

McConnell was not about the let go of the elite women's jersey she has held for the past seven years and took a five-minute gap to the field after the first of four loops.

The two-time World Championship bronze medalist proved a class above in the muddy conditions, which saw several riders struggling to gain traction on the climbs.

First-year elite rider Zoe Cuthbert (ACT) did her best to pull back the ever-broadening gap, but vintage McConnell was producing one of her finest victories in front of her.

The Canberran crossed the line more than 12 minutes ahead of Cuthbert in silver and Karen Hill (VIC) in bronze to continue her 15-year winning streak at the National Championships across each age category.

The elite men closed out the cross-country portion of the Championships, and like his wife before him, Dan McConnell (ACT) went straight to the front of the field, asking them to catch them if they can.

Tasmanian Ben Bradley did his best before being dropped, which left it to Cameron Ivory (NSW), Jared Graves (QLD) and Tasman Nankervis (VIC) to reel in McConnell.

Out front, the man they call "Diesel Dan" was powering up the climbs and skating down the descents as the rain made conditions tricky.

But it was a masterclass from McConnell riding his way to another green and gold jersey.

The battle then became focused on the minor placings, with Ivory sitting in second as they went into the final lap, with Graves chasing hard.

The Queenslander put the power down up the climb over-take Ivory to put himself into second place with Ivory in third.

In the Under 23's local favourite Sam Fox rode his way to a maiden national championship title ahead of Matt Dinham (NSW) and Dominic Paolilli (VIC)

Katherine Hosking (NSW) claimed her second championship jersey after winning two years ago, with Isabella Flint (TAS) and Holly Lubcke (QLD) rounding out the podium.

Joel Dodds (QLD) and Hayley Oakes (QLD) took the top step in the Under 19s.

Little surprises in the Trials with 2015 World Champion Janine Jungfels adding to her National Championship collection while Nathan Mummery (VIC) held off the challenge from Matt Harding (VIC).


With a record stretching back a decade, Rebecca McConnell flew off the start line and never looked back.

By the end of the first loop, the three-time Olympian had put five minutes into the field, and the gap would continue to extend from there.

Her prowess in the wet would prove unmatchable as she showcased her descending skills and strength on the climbs as she averaged 25 minutes a lap

The final lap was a celebratory one as McConnell soaked up the admiration from the spectators who lined the finish straight to see her clock up her seventh straight elite women's title


Jared Graves (QLD) returned to the national XC scene after his battle with brain cancer in 2019, and the former world 4X and Enduro World Series champion and BMX Olympian was on a mission to prove he was back to battle with the best in the country.

Graves went out on a flyer off the start line before a crash on the second descent saw him slip back to fifth, heading into the second lap, giving up precious time to the front runners.

As conditions deteriorated, Graves found another gear as he continued to negative split lap after lap.

Graves again bit the dirt into the final stretch but had put enough time into Cam Ivory to ensure he would stand on the National Championship podium for the first time in seven years.


Daniel McConnell – Elite Men National Champion

"It was pretty tough. We didn't know at the start how wet it would get considering we had pretty dry conditions all week."

"It started to dry up, then it started to rain again and was such a tough hard climb. The descent was hard, but the climb was worse."

Rebecca McConnell – Elite Women National Champion

"The descent rode well so the biggest challenge was actually getting up the climb and up the flow trail."

"Honestly, I think my bike was 40kg. When you had to walk, you were reefing on the bike just to get up the hill."

Written by
Mountain Bike
Rebecca Henderson