
Latrobe Track Carnival cancellation is disappointing and unnecessary

May 27, 2022

The cancellation of the Latrobe track carnival is both disappointing and unnecessary, AusCycling has confirmed.

Responding to the decision of the Latrobe Bicycle Race Club to cancel the event rather than install a protective barrier, AusCycling Executive General Manager of Sport, Kipp Kaufmann, said expert opinion had determined the club’s velodrome did not meet modern safety standards.

"A venue safety audit of the Latrobe Velodrome was conducted by Laurie Noonan, an independent UCI Elite National Commissaire, who has extensive experience in the audits of outdoor velodromes, on 3 August 2021," Kaufmann said.

"The report found several issues which had the potential to put the safety of both riders and spectators at risk. Having provided the club with the report, AusCycling and Tas Carnivals then offered substantial assistance to the club to help them run the event without disruption. This included ensuring there would be minimal financial impact on the club.’"

Kaufmann said AusCycling acknowledged the rich history of the event and the long-term commitment of the club’s committee to its success. And he said despite the decision to cancel the event, AusCycling remained open to further discussions.

On May 16, AusCycling Chairman Craig Bingham made the latest of multiple offers to continue working with the club to make the velodrome safe. The Latrobe committee failed to respond to the offer and instead cancelled the event and wound up the club.

"It was regrettable that the committee couldn’t see a way forward," Kaufmann said.

"But we remain open to working with the club to keep this historic event running. We will not, however, accept a position which impacts rider and spectator safety."

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