
Facilities Audit and National Strategy

Jul 19, 2021

With the support of Sport Australia, AusCycling is launching a major project in the Facilities and Infrastructure space and have recently appointed The Kinetica Group to partner with on the work.

The project is an important and long overdue one and will focus on four key result areas.

1. Undertaking a facility audit and establishing a database

This involves the collection and collation of facility information (locations and attributes). These will be categorised and accessible on an interactive GIS platform to provide a depth of insights to assist our planning. Already, a week after the start of the desktop audit, the dashboard is very powerful and will be a great tool for the sport.

2. Updating our facility guidelines and where necessary developing guidelines for each discipline

The aim here is to have a clear view of what the world’s best future facilities look like, whether it’s developed to meet the needs of the community, State, National or International event. This project provides the sport with an opportunity to reflect on what the facilities of the future will require. When overlaid with our facility audit, the guidelines will help map an advocacy approach to ensure our facilities are regularly updated.

3. Supply/demand and network performance analysis (coverage and gaps)

Analysis of supply and demand dynamics by (i) geographic region and (ii), by various attributes. Key demographic and demand profiles (current and future). Insights and recommendations. This forms the fact base to inform the national strategy.

4. National strategy.

Establish a national strategy that allows cycling to consistently plan and advocate for investment in facilities and infrastructure across the country. The strategy will provide the necessary context and rationale for the broad ambition and the framework on how to achieve it.

AusCycling CEO - Marne Fechner

“Sport doesn’t happen without infrastructure that meets the needs of our community. This is an exciting and important piece of work for AusCycling and one that will add long term value to our community of riders.”

Director Infastructure, Inclusion and Participation Sport Australia- Sue McGill

"Sport Australia is pleased to support AusCycling in this Australian first cycling infastructure project and look forward to seeing this project come to life."

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