
Diversity & Inclusion in Cycling Advisory Group Expressions of Interest

Jul 21, 2021

We are seeking expressions of interest from members of the cycling community to become part of our diversity and inclusion champions of change.


Since April, AusCycling has been conducting a series of workshops with a broad range of stakeholders to inform our future strategy. These sessions have focused on defining purpose, discussing our vision of success and considering the behaviours and values that will underpin the way the organisation works moving forward.

Whilst this work is ongoing, and the refreshed strategy will be launched later this year, it will come as no surprise that ‘diversity and inclusion’ has emerged as an area of importance.

There’s no question that AusCycling, like all sports, has an important role to play in providing safe and inclusive environments and strengthening diversity in all forms – ethnicity, gender, disability and LGBTQI.

Our ambition is to be a leader in this space and to do this we want to expand and embrace the knowledge, skills and experience that an Advisory Group can bring.


In establishing this Advisory Group, AusCycling is making a commitment to:

Create the Change:

· Lead the creation of a vision for inclusive and diverse participation and pathways.

· Establish a coalition of champions and role models.

· Understand conscious / unconscious barriers.

· Develop a strategic framework and programs of work.

· Engage and enable.

Communicate the Visions and encourage buy-in from all:

· Remove barriers to progress.

· Regularly track, evaluate, and adjust.

· Celebrate accomplishments.

· Lead by example.

Empower and Implement:

· Empower the community to implement and innovate.

· Embed cultural safety within community.

· Listen, learn and ensure concerns can be raised and addressed.

Establishing an Advisory Group

To ensure we can drive real impact in the inclusion space, AusCycling is calling for expressions of interest for interested parties to join the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group.

The Advisory Group will support Board and Management with the development of AusCycling’s diversity and inclusion strategy and will then play a key role in ensuring the organisation remains accountable for delivering across key milestones.

We aspire to establish an advisory group that is itself a diverse group of people and expect to receive more expressions of interest than we have space for. In this event, there will be a selection process with the final advisory group endorsed by the AusCycling Board.


If you would like to apply to be a member of the Advisory Group then please email Georgia Pace [email protected] with a copy of your CV and answers to the following questions by Friday 6 August 2021.

· What is your motivation for getting involved in this advisory group?

· What specific skills and expertise would you bring to the advisory group?

· Do you have any specific diversity interests, e.g., an interest in linguistic diversity?

Terms of Reference

The Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group acts in an advisory capacity and reports to the Chief Executive. The group is charged with supporting the Board and Management to set AusCycling’s diversity and inclusion agenda encompassing, but not limited to:

· Indigenous participation and pathways

· Gender equality and gender equity

· Students from low socio-economic backgrounds

· Participants of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities

· Participants with disability, ongoing medical or mental health conditions

· Participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

· Accreditation programs for diversity and inclusion

Scope and Role

The Advisory Group will:

· Identify AusCycling’s priorities and objectives to advance the sport’s diversity and inclusion agenda.

· Assist with the development and implementation of AusCycling’s diversity and inclusion framework and action plans and ensure alignment with broader organisational strategy.

· Monitor AusCycling’s performance on a range of diversity and inclusion measures with specific focus on measures related to identified priority areas.

· Act as a reference group and make recommendations on relevant initiatives, policies and procedures.

· Provide advice on reporting to government agencies and on submissions for accreditation and benchmarking.

· Provide advice on the development of organisational responses to relevant policy and strategic initiatives taken by government and other external bodies.

· Provide advice and support in commissioning and receiving reports relating to diversity, inclusion, access and equity with specific focus on identified priority areas.

Meeting Frequency

The Advisory Group will meet four times per year or as required.


The Advisory Group will consist of a minimum of five (5) people, up to a maximum of ten (10) people made up of:

· At least one (1) member of the Committee from the AusCycling Board.

· Three (3) to eight (8) other members appointed by the Board.

· The AusCycling Chief Executive.

The term of appointment will be at the discretion of the Board.

When appointing members to the Advisory Group regard should be given to a diverse range of skills and experiences and background.

The Board will appoint one of the members as Chair Advisory Group.

The Chair and Committee will be supported by the EA CEO Office.

The Committee may invite guests to attend by invitation.


To maintain contemporality the Terms of Reference and membership will be reviewed annually by the Board.

The quorum for the meetings of the committee is one third of the membership.

The committee may co-opt members as required. Other Board and staff may be invited to attend by invitation as appropriate.

Decision Making Authority

This Group will have an advisory role and so will not have authority to take decisions.

Decisions will be taken by the Board and Management following advice from this group.

Click Here for more information

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