
AusCycling welcomes date with destiny with Brisbane 2032 set for Tokyo vote

Jun 11, 2021

AusCycling is excited by the decision of the IOC Executive Board (EB) to recommend the Brisbane proposal to host the 2032 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games to a vote of the IOC Members in Session in Tokyo next month.

Welcomed by the AOC overnight, AOC President John Coates, who recused himself from the decision-making process during last night’s Executive Board meeting and previous EB considerations of the Brisbane proposition, says Brisbane 2032 now faces final scrutiny from the IOC Members at the Session July 20-21 prior to the start of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

“Since being awarded Targeted Dialogue status, we have seen many months of hard work and cooperation between three levels of government, to get Brisbane 2032 before the IOC Members who make the ultimate decision next month.

“Frankly, the due diligence undertaken by the IOC’s Future Host Commission far exceeds that to which we were subject with our candidacy for Sydney 2000.

“But it is the Members we have to convince of the merits of our ambition to host the Summer Olympic Games for the third time. We have our date with destiny.

To read the full release, please click the link below.

AOC Release

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