
AusCycling Membership fee update

May 26, 2022

In the past 18 months, the cost of insurance has increased significantly, well beyond that budgeted with the inception of AusCycling.

During this period, we have absorbed the increases to minimise any financial impact on our riding and cycling communities and have worked with the insurance broker to reduce the cost of cover.

Unfortunately, premiums continue to rise and in the last 18 months, our insurance costs jumped by more than $650,000; a 41% increase.

For this reason, we’ve made the difficult decision to increase the price of AusCycling memberships from June 1, 2022 (see table below).

AC Membership Fee

While these increases are necessary to ensure members continue to receive an equivalent level of insurance cover, we are continuing to investigate ways to secure more favourable insurance outcomes in the future.

We have also been working hard to enhance your membership through a growing list of member benefits including exclusive discounts on everything from training plans, cycling and riding gear, to travel discounts.

You can see your member deals and discounts at the Member Rewards Portal.

And for our volunteers, who contribute so much to our communities, we’ve removed the membership fee entirely.

We understand that some members may want further detail on these changes, so have provided some questions and answers below.

Why has AusCycling increased membership fees?

Insurance costs are rising in almost every sector of society and cycling and riding is not immune. To ensure members enjoy the peace of mind that comes from comprehensive coverage, both personal and public liability, AusCycling will continue to secure the best available insurance.

We always seek to find the best deal for our members, but with premiums increasing by more than $650,000 from last year, a membership fee increase was necessary.

Will I receive any additional benefits from being an AusCycling member?

Aside from the security of specifically tailored insurance, AusCycling membership delivers a range of discounts and offers, and our membership team are negotiating new deals that will provide even more value in the coming months.

What does my membership fee pay for?

In addition to providing you with insurance cover, your membership helps to pay for a range of activities that are vital for the growth and future health of riding and cycling. This includes the Ride Nation program which aims to grow community engagement, participation and ultimately club membership.

Member fees also contribute to the more than 500 events at the state level or above that AusCycling stages each year and to education programs for coaches and other officials.

A breakdown of your fees is shown below.

AC Membership Fee Breakdown

Please note that High-Performance programs are funded by the Australian Institute of Sport, the National Institute Network and commercial partnerships.

I’m not sure that I’ll race that often, what are my options?

Having 24/7 personal accident insurance is one of the key benefits of our membership. If you’re not sure that you’ll race that often during the year, consider combining a Lifestyle membership to cover you for the year, with an Event Licence when you want to race.

What does my insurance cover?

Your insurance cover is determined by your membership type. Lifestyle Basic members have Public Liability cover for accidental damage to other people or their property. Other Lifestyle or Race memberships also have additional Personal Accident cover for non-Medicare medical expenses they incur, income protection and death and disability cover, noting some exclusions apply.

Further details of your cover by membership type are available on our website under the following links:

I’m on a payment plan. How does this increase affect me?

Payments owing up to 1 June 2022 remain unchanged. Payments due after this date are calculated at the new monthly instalment rate.

I have other questions, where can I direct my enquiry?

Please email our membership team at [email protected].

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