
What are the pros and cons of buying an e-bike?

Jan 17, 2023

E-bikes are rising in popularity as an alternative to cars for short journeys, thanks to their eco credentials. They’re also a great way to get around quickly, and can be a lot of fun.

However, making the switch from a traditional bike to an e-bike requires a little more thought, especially for those reluctant to give up their pedal power.

Nonetheless, new technologies mean that e-bikes are catching up with their traditional counterparts in terms of ease of use and aesthetics, making them a viable alternative for many people.

So, what are the pros and cons of buying an e-bike over a standard bicycle? Let’s take a look at both sides of the coin.

commuter e-bike

Photo: BYKKO



One of the biggest advantages to buying an e-bike is that they are great for commuting. If you have a long commute each day or live in a hilly area an e-bike can make your ride much easier and more enjoyable. With the help of electric assist you can get up those hills with ease and still arrive at work fresh and ready for the day ahead.


Another plus is that e-bikes tend to be more comfortable than traditional bicycles since they often come with adjustable handlebars, saddles, and other features designed for comfort. This makes them a great choice for people who just want to use them to get to work or social events, as they’re likely to favour comfort.

Environmental benefits

There’s no ignoring the climate crisis – especially in Australia, where wildfires are damaging our natural landscape and temperatures continue to rise. E-bikes offer environmental benefits since they don't emit any emissions like cars do. This makes them a great choice if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, but don't want to get sweaty in the saddle to do so.


Lastly, e-bikes are generally easier to maintain than regular bicycles regarding wear and tear. Since most parts are sealed from the elements you won’t have to worry about rust or weather damage as much as other types of bikes. However, there is one caveat – if they go wrong, they can cost more to fix, so this factor isn’t completely positive. As with all bikes it’s advisable to keep them in a dry, secure location when you’re not using them to reduce damage.

e-bike grearing



Although there are many advantages to owning an e-bike over a regular bicycle, there are some drawbacks that should be considered before making your purchase. One major downside is the cost. E-bikes tend to be more expensive than traditional bikes because they have additional components like batteries and motors.


Another downside is that e-bikes require regular charging. Not only does this require you to remember to plug them in, but you may also need to account for the cost of electricity when you’re budgeting for your bike.

Making the right choice for you

Ultimately, whether or not an e-bike is right for you depends on your own needs and preferences. If having extra power is something that appeals to you then an e-bike might be worth looking into as this is one of the major benefits of making the switch.

Main Photo: BYKKO

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