Sharp EIT Junior Track Series

AusCycling Events HubNational Series

The Sharp EIT Junior Track Series is a key part of developing young Australian cycling talent. Running annually since 2011, the series has produced many Australian Cycling Team members. Open to Under 17 and Under 15 riders, the series features three events and is an important platform for aspiring cyclists to showcase their abilities and progress their cycling careers.


Click below to view the latest results


  • Club Classification after Round 1

    (92 KB)

  • Ride Classification after Round 1

    (96 KB)

More Information

Find out more about the Sharp EIT Junior Track Series, including eligibility criteria, rankings, rules and regulations.

Series Guide:

  • Sharp EIT Junior Track Series Guide.pdf

    (514 KB)

Eligibility Criteria

All riders must hold a current AusCycling Race All Discipline Membership and a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) for their State or Territory.

All riders must be under 17 or under 15 at [cut-off point] to be eligible to compete in the Sharp EIT Junior Track Series.

Ranking Points


National Junior Track Series Ranking points

Madison – Teams from same State / Territory
Each Rider

Junior Track Series Madison ranking points

Team Events – Teams may be limited dependent on final entry numbers

Combined Teams will be arranged by AusCycling and can only be made where the clubs do not have sufficient numbers

Team Points Only – no age group or gender breakdown

Junior Track Series Team ranking points

Rules & Regulations

Participating teams may include:

(a) Affiliated clubs with AusCycling;

(b) Combines may be developed where there is an insufficient number of riders to enter a club. These must be from the same state/territory.

2. All riders, team management and staff must be current members of AusCycling. Riders must hold a current AusCycling All Discipline membership and WWCC for their State/Territory.

3. Teams are permitted a maximum of four staff member (Manager, Coach, Chaperone and Mechanic). For teams of fewer than 8 riders then the rider/staff ratio will be 1 staff member per 2 riders.

4. All riders must be Under 17 or Under 15 to be eligible to compete in the Series.

5. Gearing restrictions will apply as per the AusCycling Technical Regulations.

6. Riders are required to wear their club registered jersey or skinsuits when racing in the Series. SIS/SAS clothing is not permitted. Any uniform changes following the commencement of the Series must be approved by the state or territory at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next event.

7. Riders are to enter using the EntryBoss Portal.

8. Clubs will be allowed to change the make-up of their teams from round to round. It is not necessary for riders to contest every round. Each rider entered will be presented with two race numbers. Riders will carry the same number for the entire series. The team manager will be responsible for these numbers. No numbers, no start.

9. International clubs or riders are allowed to compete in the Series.

10. We require that club teams are created in the first instance, with combines created only if there are not sufficient riders to make a club team.

11. The transfer of riders during the Series is not permitted at any time. Once a rider is registered with a team, they will be required to compete for those teams for the two (2) rounds of the series. The Series Coordinator will consider written applications for individual transfers in extreme cases of hardship or family relocations.

12. Teams and parents are responsible for their children while travelling and competing in this series. AusCycling will not be responsible for accommodating or the management of athletes before or after each event.

13. A rider can only be a member of a team or combine in their state/territory of residence.

14. This Series and its events will be conducted under AusCycling Technical Regulations. Some modifications may be required to events within the series at the discretion of the Series Coordinator.

15. Any breach of the AusCycling or Series will be investigated and if warranted, riders may be warned, fined, disqualified and/or have ranking points deducted.


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