Regional BMX Freestyle Judging Course
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Become a vital part of your BMX community.
Do you love BMX Freestyle and want to give back to the sport? The AusCycling Regional BMX Freestyle Judging Course is a course designed to help you undertake judging at regional levels of the discipline.
Here’s what you’ll gain:
- A deep understanding of BMX Freestyle: You'll develop a comprehensive knowledge of the sport, including its history, evolution, and technical aspects.
- Judging criteria: You'll learn the specific criteria used to evaluate rider performance, such as difficulty, progression, amplitude, flow, use of course, risk, variety, style, execution, originality, and landings.
- Judging methodology: You'll grasp the "overall impression" concept and how to compare riders' performances relative to each other.
- Competition formats: You'll understand different competition structures and how judging adapts to them.
- Ethics and regulations: You'll be familiar with competition regulations, code of ethics, and the importance of impartiality.
What are the Benefits of Becoming a Regional BMX Freestyle Judge?
- Can be appointed to judge at State and National level BMX Freestyle competitions
- Contribute to the sport and play a vital role in the development and growth of BMX Freestyle.
- Connect with other BMX enthusiasts, including riders, coaches, and fellow judges.
- Further your career in sports officiating.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
If you're interested in finding out about an upcoming course, get in touch with our team on [email protected].
Course Requirements
- Be at least 16 years old
- Hold a current AusCycling membership (minimum Non-Riding membership)
- Possess a Working with Children Check. Visit Play by The Rules to understand Child Safe requirements in each State and Territory.
- Free
Need help?
For more information or to find out more about upcoming courses, contact [email protected].