Guides for Tidy HQ

ClubsExisting Clubs

From helpful how-to guides for Tidy HQ and information about our event management systems, like EntryBoss, here's everything you need to know to help your club run smoothly.


EntryBoss is an online event management system designed to save event organisers time and streamline administration, especially for cycling events.

To request access, email [email protected].


Every AusCycling club has the ability to manage their clubs’ membership through TidyHQ, an all-in-one membership management software designed to simplify running your club or riding group.

How to Add Administrators

  • In Tidy HQ, go to Admins and Roles.
  • Select an existing contact or add a new contact.
  • If you're wanting to add someone who is an existing contact, enter their email address. TidyHQ will send them an invitation email with a link to login.
  • If you're wanting to add someone who is a new contact not yet in TidyHQ, enter their email. TidyHQ will send them an invitation email with a link to login and create a profile.
  • Select the TidyHQ Admin Rights relevant to their position or role within your organisation.

How to Assign roles to Administrators

Roles are jobs within your organisation. You can use the default roles in TidyHQ or you can create your own. You can allocate Tasks to Roles, as well as print the list out and hand it out at your Annual General Meeting where positions are usually filled. This will help set expectations. 

The Roles functionality will become important when AusCycling wants to communicate to your club (for example, send an email to all club presidents).

To assign roles:

  1. Log into your TidyHQ account.
  2. Navigate to Admins and Roles > Roles.
  3. Click +New Role to add a new role to your club. 
  4. Assign a user to the role (they must be an Admin first).

How to find Current Members

This guide outlines the process for finding and reporting on current members of your club on TidyHQ.

  • How to find current club members

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How to find a breakdown of the club’s weekly TidyHQ membership payment

Payments through TidyHQ are made weekly for automatic membership payments. Please note, these payments are only made if a member has made payment to your club within the last week, and a committee member has completed the PIN Payments Know Your Customer verification.

  1. Select Finances from the options on the left-hand side.
  2. Select Transfers from the options at the top.
  3. Select the hyperlink for each Transfer ID that corresponds to the weekly payment. This will list the payments that contributed to the payment

How to Export Member Information

You can export a CSV file of member information directly out of the contacts table.

 This export can contain as much, or as little information you like through the use of Search Filters and Displayed Attributes.

 We recommend following these steps:

  1. Open the contacts table by clicking the Contacts tab on the left menu.
  2. Configure the contacts table using Search Filters and Displayed Attributes.
  3. Press Export CSV.

The CSV file will contain the information that you manipulated through the contacts table.

How to create and communicate with a group on TidyHQ

A step-by-step guide explaining how to create a group of contacts and how to send emails to this group on TidyHQ

  • Creating and communicating with a Group on TidyHQ

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How members can update their contact profile on TidyHQ

A handy step-by-step guide explaining how to update your contact profile on TidyHQ, perfect for members.

  • How to update your contact profile

    (76 KB)


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