
Paige Greco gives back via new AIS mental health program

Nov 4, 2021

Paralympic gold medalist cyclist Paige Greco will help children with their own mental health and resilience strategies as part of a national program between the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) and the Black Dog Institute.

Greco is one of 20 athletes from 16 sports who will take part in the AIS Black Dog Mental Fitness Program that is designed to help young people aged between 12 and 16.

Greco, who made her Paralympics debut in Tokyo with three medals, including gold and a world record in the 3000m Individual Pursuit C1-3, said the Mental Fitness Program allows her to give back to her community.

“Mental health is so important. I think sometimes as athletes we place a lot of emphasis on our physical health and our wellbeing, however, understanding mental health and the impact it has on our daily life is so vital,” Greco said.

“Enforcing positive psychology strategies and understanding that it is something that should be spoken about is very important to me and it means a great deal to be able to speak to young people and share my experiences.”

AIS Director of People Development and Wellbeing Matti Clements says the AIS is proud to partner with the Black Dog Institute to deliver this important community outreach program.

“Not only does this program help our young people build their mental fitness and resilience, but it also provides our high performance athletes an opportunity to meaningfully connect with their community and learn personal and professional skills that will help them during their sporting careers and beyond.”

Full story at AIS Media.

Schools and community sport organisations interested in a free AIS Black Dog Mental Fitness Presentation from one of the athlete presenters can submit a request via the AIS website.

Written by
Paige Greco