
Oliver Moran: Q&A with the ARA Australian Cycling Team

Apr 24, 2024

It’s already been a big year already for Oliver Moran.

The 22-year-old from Manning Valley BMX Club claimed the Oceania Cycling Confederation U23 BMX Racing title and is leading the UCI BMX Racing U23 World Cup series.

Read on, or watch the video below, to get to know more about the rising BMX Racing star before he lines up at the UCI BMX Racing World Cup in Tulsa, USA this weekend and the UCI World Championships at Rock Hill, USA next month.

Age: 22

Home town? Forster, NSW Mid North Coast

When did you start riding? I started BMX when I was seven years old. I just followed my brother. He did a come and try day and I jumped in the car with him.

What is your favourite track? Sleeman Supercross. It’s probably the best track in Australia. It’s good fun, technical and fast. Everything you want in a track.

What are your career highlights? Start of the year I got a World Cup win in U23. That was pretty special. Hopefully more to come.

What’s your cheat meal? I don’t know if it’s a cheat meal, but its not cheap on the wallet. I like acai bowls.

What’s your coffee order? My coffee order isn’t actually coffee, usually it’s a mango smoothie.

What are you streaming? Nothing, I’m more of a movie watcher. If I start a series I watch it all at once and just don’t sleep.

What do you listen to pre-race to pump yourself up? It’s a bit all over the shop, depending on how I’m feeling.

If I wasn’t a BMXer, I’d be… a surfer. I’d want to be a surfer.

My favourite NRL team is…The Penrith Panthers.

What advice would you give to new riders to the sport? My message for people starting BMX would have to be just do it. It’s good fun. It’s not easy at the start but the more you do it, the better you get.

Read more ARA Australian Cycling Team news here.

Written by
Australian Cycling Team
BMX Racing